To support us you can schedule monthly donations through your bank, make a once-off transfer, or donate goods.
Walk with us
A recurring income is crucial to sustaining our work.
Twice a year we will be running a campaign called “Walk with us”.
Any recurring amount may be donated. To become a monthly sponsor, set up a recurring/scheduled payment in your online banking. Follow our Facebok page for updates on the campaign.
Follow the steps in the image on you online banking app to set up scheduled payment.
Bank Details South Africa:
Account number: 62915929593
Bank name: First National Bank (FNB)
Branch code: 250 655
Address: 6 Crystal Court, Cilliers Street, Suideroord, 2091 Johannesburg
Donate goods
Physical ans second-hand donations are highly welcomed at Chidiya. Collection can be arranged in the Johannesburg area. If you wish to donate or collect donated goods for us, please contact us.
Some of our recurring needs are:
-Nappies (size 2-5)
-Clothes and shoes