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Sustainable Development Goals

Chidiya's work is anchored in SDG 1, 3, 4 and 10.

1: No Poverty

Chidiya’s mission is deeply anchored in SDG 1. 66% of the children in South Africa are multidimensionally poor.



Poverty has devastating effects for children’s development and future. By covering their basic needs such as food and attachments, while providing guidance to their parents, we can also change the destructive patterns which affect those living in poverty. Having power over your own situation is crucial for implementing change in your life. Spreading knowledge about subjects such as early development, mental health, and disability boosts empowerment within the community.


While their children attend Chidiya during the day, the parents are given the change to seek job opportunities. Several of our parents have started selling food or other goods on the side of the road, to generate an income.


3: Good Health and Well-Being

Nutritional deficiencies play a major role in improper development. 2/3 of pre-school aged children in South Africa suffer from anaemia, and over 1/3 of the children in Gauteng are stunted. Chidiya provides balanced meals for the children, and tailors individual nutritional plans for the children with specific deficiencies and needs.


We place a lot of focus on developing secure attachments, meeting the children’s emotional needs and teaching them how to healthily and appropriately express their feelings. We monitor the children’s cognitive, psychological, and physical development, according to universal developmental milestones. Through external resources we can seek assistance whenever we encounter a significant delay, which we are unable to navigate.


Through partners we are able to provide vaccination, medical attention and therapy to our children.

4: Quality Education

The significance of ECD- focused care is widely recognised in South Africa, however access is very limited in undeveloped areas. In Orange Farm, most of the children below six lack educational opportunities, due to the shortage of ECD-centres in the area, and the high school fees and transportation to the ones in surrounding areas.


At school going age many children are already developmentally delayed, an unfortunate starting point. Due to lack of resources, they are likely to fall, and stay, behind. By focusing on quality care in the early years, we are building a strong foundation for our children’s future learning and success.




10- Reduced Inequalities

 In 2022 we opened a class for children with disabilities. We discovered that disabled children in Orange Farm are often hidden by their families and thus lack the opportunity to education and quality care. Many ECD-centres do not have the capacity to accept children with special needs.


We have an external occupational therapist that advises us on how to best meet the children's needs. Through providing specialised care we are spreading knowledge and raising awareness in the local community, and helping these children reach their full potential. 


Every child has the right to an education.

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